Establish your AI roadmap
Establish your actionable AI roadmap. We apply tangible research and rapid prototyping to assess the desirability, viability & feasibility to prioritise with increased confidence.
Book your discovery track


Use cases outline

Discovery of new use cases through open ended research methods

Prospective value analysis

Evaluation of use case potential through user research, technical research and data inventory.

AI Roadmap

Prioritised roadmap for implementing (Gen) AI solutions, starting with low hanging fruit scaling into long term solutions.
Cut through the noise, and get clear on which AI use cases will impact your organisation.
Often, the problem isn't a lack of ideas on how to use AI, but rather determining which ideas are worth pursuing. The real challenge lies is in identifying and prioritising the most promising use cases.

We help you transitioning from high-level concepts to a prioritised AI Roadmap, providing you and your teams the handrails to execute your AI initiatives with confidence.
Not every AI use case requires a custom solution. We help you determine what to build, buy, borrow & integrate.
We also assess the most suitable implementation direction of AI solutions: whether it’s a custom AI proof of concept, a Co-pilot integration, or an area for further experimentation and exploration.
Establish an actionable AI Roadmap to start executing with confidence.
Defining an AI roadmap requires a solid evaluation of potential use cases based on their desirability, viability, and feasibility, aligned with business objectives and stakeholder support. This involves identifying high-impact use cases, assessing technical feasibility, and ensuring financial viability.

Our discovery track accelerates this process. By conducting just enough research, we help you gain the confidence needed for decision-making and achieving stakeholder alignment. We use a proven rapid research and prototyping process to evaluate the desirability, viability, and feasibility of your ideas, allowing you to establish an actionable AI roadmap with increased confidence.


week 1

We kick-off with the team and align on assumptions to test, questions to answer and continue use case ideation.

We conduct shadowing research to understand user context and goals.

Uncover opportunities and map AI use cases.Start data inventory.


Week 2 & 3

Design probes & prototypes around the use cases. Conduct tests to evaluate user benefits & concerns.

Stakeholder interviews to evaluate potential business value. Identify potential hurdles for AI adoption that need to be overcome.

Specify technical considerations per use case - sketch out current infrastructure and how that impacts future technology decisions.


Week 4

Consolidate findings. Define the low hanging fruit vs the long term horizon for the individual use cases.

Synthesise overarching strategic advise & practical next steps for implementing AI into the organisation.

Ready to establish your AI Roadmap?

Don’t hesitate to reach out and schedule a meeting. We’d love to discuss how we can support your goals.
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